Urbact 2nd Chance

In 2016, the city of Naples was the lead partner in the European project “Urbact 2nd Chance – Waking up the sleeping giants”.

In each of the network cities – Liverpool (UK), Lublin (Poland), Maribor (Slovenia), Brussels (Belgium), Caen (France), Chemnitz (Germany), Gijon (Spain), Dubrovnik City Development Agency (D.U.R.A. – Croatia), University of Genoa (Italy), Porto Vivo Urban Redevelopment Company (PV PORTO VIVO SRU – Portugal) – an abandoned building was identified to be rehabilitated and put at the centre of a social regeneration process.

The Municipality of Naples has chosen to work on the recovery and re-functionalization of the Ss. Trinità delle Monache complex (former Military Hospital), with a view to urban regeneration with reference to the territorial context in which it is located (Quartieri Spagnoli and Montesanto). To this end, a participatory process involving local stakeholders was initiated.

 Ascolto Attivo was among the experts involved in the conduction of the participatory planning process. In particular, Ascolto Attivo took care of the visioning workshop on Futuri Possibili, the Open Space Technology and the creative comparison workshop that followed to arrive at the definition of the Local Action Plan in which associations and citizens of the concerned neighbourhoods are protagonists.